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Asbestos Claims

As Canada’s leading mesothelioma law firm, we’ve secured over $100 million in settlements. Contact us for a free case evaluation.

Offices in Peterborough, Lindsay and Oshawa, Ontario

If you’ve suffered injuries due to an accident, or are sick due to mesothelioma or the past use of certain drugs, Miskin Law may be able to help. Miskin Law lawyers have the knowledge and expertise to help Ontario residents with personal injury claims, and people across the country with claims related to mesothelioma and various class actions.

We have been helping Canadians for more than 40 years. An accident or illness always comes with some degree of physical, mental and financial trauma. While we may not be able to take away all you’ve suffered, our lawyers can guide you and fight for the compensation you deserve. We also help clients to plan their estates and prepare their wills.

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Mesothelioma and Claims

Mesothelioma is an illness caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. Miskin Law helps clients receive compensation for those who suffer from asbestos-caused mesothelioma. We have a dedicated team of lawyers who understand how to get the maximum compensation for your illness. We have become noteworthy for our expertise in the area, and we have handled countless mesothelioma cases over the past ten years. If you or anyone in your family suffers from mesothelioma, you are entitled to file for compensation. We can help.

Auto accident involving two cars on a city street

Personal Injury

Even careful people can be injured due to no fault of their own. If this happens, you will want Miskin Law on your side. We offer the same depth of knowledge and experience as any “big name” Toronto firm. Your first consultation if free and we will work for you on a contingency fee basis, which means you don’t pay until we recover money for you. We will investigate your case and take care of the paperwork, so you can focus on your recovery. We will investigate your case and take care of all the legal documents and confusing paperwork. Our lawyers will fight for you and support you to get you the compensation you’re entitled to. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation for free. We will keep you updated as your case progresses and get you results!

men signing last will

Wills and Estates

At Miskin Law, we strive to help our clients plan, so their loved ones are taken care of in the event of death or incapacity. Everyone needs a will – regardless of income level. We will draft a will after meeting with you to determine what you want. This document is a set of binding instructions determining who will receive your assets after your death. Wills, along with estate planning, are essential, and we cannot recommend them enough. We also handle power of attorney for property and personal care.

Doctor holding pill bottle with pills in Oshawa, Ontario

Class Actions

Class action lawsuits are a focus of our law firm. Over the years, we have filed lawsuits on behalf of our clients and found success doing so. A class-action lawsuit is a type of lawsuit filed by a group of people or businesses against an entity or entities that have harmed them somehow. When people file a lawsuit collectively, their claims are often treated with more weight and credibility, which is why they are so popular. In most cases, class action lawsuits settle. Some examples of class action lawsuits include a factory spills toxic chemicals into the water supply, causing countless illnesses, or a company selling a defective product that causes injury.

Client Reviews

We’re Here to help.
Contact Us Today for a Free Case Evaluation.

Miskin Law

Peterborough Office
351 Charlotte Street, Suite 100
Peterborough, ON K9J 2W1

Phone: 905-428-8000

Toronto Office
First Canadian Place 100 King St.
West Suite 5600
Toronto, ON M5X 1C9

Phone: 416-492-0989

Lindsay Office
223 Kent St W
Lindsay, ON K9V 2Z1

Phone: 705-212-3209

Oshawa Office
419 King Street West
Oshawa Executive Centre Suite 510
Oshawa, ON L1J 2K5

Phone: 289-278-4212

Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM