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Personal Injury Lawyers in Ontario

Miskin Law has over 35 years of experience handling many different types of personal injury claims. Not all injuries are the basis for a lawsuit. Our team will help you understand your rights and whether you have a claim. If you do, we handle every aspect of the process, from obtaining the necessary medical information, to discussing settlement, to going to trial if necessary. Our team is committed to resolving your case fairly and efficiently. Contact us today for a free consultation about your injury claims and possible compensation.

Personal Injury Compensation Damage Types

There are two main types of compensation or “damages” that are commonly awarded in a civil lawsuit: pecuniary damages, which are intended to compensate for financial losses, such as lost wages or medical expenses, and non-pecuniary, which are intended to compensate for non-financial losses, such as pain and suffering. In addition, but much more rarely, a Plaintiff could also receive punitive damages, which are intended to punish the Defendant if their conduct was particularly egregious, and aggravated damages, which may be awarded if the Defendant’s conduct was malicious or intentional.

Types of Personal Injury Cases

Miskin Law has handled countless personal injury cases over the past decades. We help our clients get the compensation they deserve when their injuries were caused by negligence. Some of our personal injury specialties include:

Personal Injury Settlement Amount

There is no minimum or maximum personal injury settlement amount. The amount of your personal injury compensation depends on many factors, including:

  • The evidence as to who was at fault
  • The extent of your injuries and losses
  • The extent of your pain and suffering
  • The willingness of each party to settle

How to Claim Compensation for a Personal Injury

Our skilled and experienced personal injury lawyers help you through the personal injury process to receive the compensation you deserve. We’ve spent decades assisting clients in recovering personal injury compensation. We understand personal injury cases can be challenging, and we are ready to fight for you. Let our team handle your personal injury litigation for you. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.


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