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Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (a synthetic progestin) and is made by Pfizer. It is typically administered once every three months to prevent ovulation and pregnancy.

A meningioma is a typically benign brain tumour arising from the projective layers of tissues around the brain and spinal cord.

Scientific research has suggested that certain hormones, including progestins, maybe influence the growth of meningiomas. Prolonged use of high-dose progestins has been associated with an increased likelihood of meningioma.

Over the last lever years, there have been lawsuits filed in the United States regarding Depo-Provera’s the possible association with meningioma that allege the manufacturers did not sufficiently warn patients or healthcare providers about the risk of meningioma. Most cases centre around whether there is sufficient evidence to show Depo-Provera was a substantial factor in causing the meningioma and whether the manufacturer provided adequate warnings.

One challenge is that meningiomas can sometimes remain asymptomatic for long periods, and they can also be influenced by genetic predisposition and other risk factors. Demonstrating direct causation can be legally and scientifically complex.

Potential clients must show

  1. They used Depo-Provera,
  2. They developed a meningioma.

Miskin Law is accepting clients for this class action. The case is in very early stages.

Contact us for a free consultation to see if you are eligible.

As a Canadian law firm experienced in class action lawsuits, especially with prescription medications, and also claims related to mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other ailments stemming from asbestos exposure, the lawyers at Miskin Law can determine the best course of action in your situation to collect the damages to which you are entitled. As a general policy, we represent individuals making singular claims where that is the best route for maximizing compensation for the respective client. We always advise our class action clients of their right to opt-out of the class action, and we explain their choice by giving specific individual advice.

When a class action settles, we work hard to document our client’s claim to maximize their right to compensation within the class action. We charge a percentage as a contingency fee from class action clients, so those who end up with no compensation do not get billed or have to pay for our expenses on their behalf. Contact Miskin Law today for a free consultation to see where you or your loved one stands with regard to collecting monetary relief for your losses, pain, and suffering. Email for any questions or information.

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