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Meet Philippe A. Ugnat

Phil is a corporate lawyer with a business-first mindset, serving as both external general counsel and a trusted advisor to companies at every stage of growth. He works with start-ups, high-growth businesses, established Canadian companies, and the Canadian subsidiaries of U.S. and multinational corporations, helping them navigate complex legal and commercial challenges with clarity and confidence.

Business Lawyer & Strategic Advisor

A deal-focused lawyer, Phil represents buyers and sellers in both domestic and cross-border transactions, ensuring smooth negotiations and practical solutions. In private equity and venture capital, he advises investors, investee companies, and business owners, structuring deals that drive growth. He also represents lenders and borrowers in a range of commercial financing transactions, helping clients secure the capital they need to succeed.

Beyond M&A and financing, Phil provides strategic counsel on sophisticated commercial arrangements, including joint ventures, strategic partnerships, distribution networks, supply and distribution agreements. He helps clients structure and negotiate contracts that protect their interests while fostering strong business relationships. He also advises on corporate governance, management issues, and strategic alliances, ensuring companies are well-positioned for sustainable success.

Phil has worked across a wide range of industries, including industrial products, energy efficiency, investment banking, alternative energy, manufacturing, and technology. His ability to simplify complexity and deliver results has made him a trusted advisor in high-stakes negotiations.

His international experience sets him apart. Phil has helped North American and foreign companies expand into new markets, advising on site selection, R&D projects, economic incentives, and direct government negotiations to secure Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). His work bridging corporate strategy and government policy has helped businesses unlock new opportunities and navigate global expansion with confidence.

Phil takes a practical, solution-oriented approach, ensuring that legal strategies align with business goals. He is known for his ability to negotiate favorable outcomes, focusing on efficiency, clarity, and long-term value for his clients.

While his primary focus is corporate and commercial law, Phil also advises select clients on residential real estate transactions, assisting with acquisitions, sales, and financing. His ability to handle both business and real estate matters gives his clients a seamless, well-rounded legal perspective.

Called to the Ontario Bar after earning his LL.B. from the University of Ottawa, Phil is fluent in English and French, providing legal counsel in both languages with the same level of precision and professionalism.

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